Download YouTube video如何下載優酷視頻

Download YouTube video如何下載優酷視頻?Google has asolid amount of cash in its pockets,but with all the recent lawsuits against YouTube one has to wonder if it's time to salvage whatever videos you like from the service and save them somewhere where evil attorneys won't look? your hard drive.盡管谷歌擁有雄厚的資金實力,但是最近針對優酷的訴訟事件,仍讓我們感到是時候去挽救那些自己所喜愛的視頻了,從網頁上下載下來存放到律師們看不到的某個地方-你的硬盤裡。Luckily,there are literally dozens of tools for downloading videos from YouTube and/or converting those YouTube videos to some format other than flv.It's hard to pick the best one,as they all have pluses and minuses.Thus,we've chosen 23 YouTube downloader tools we've found to be actually working.Here they are,categorized according to the platform they work on:幸運的是,有很多合法的工具都可以被我們拿來去下載優酷視頻,或者把視頻的格式轉化成flv以外的其它格式。這些下載工具各有千秋,很難說那一種最好。我們選擇了23種確鑿可行的優酷視頻下載工具。以下就是,根據工作平臺進行了分門別類。Web based網站平臺1.YouTubeX doesn't have alot of options,but it's simple,and it works.It also enables you to share the YouTube video with your friends via e-mail.Unfortunately,all the files are called get_video,and you have to add the.flv extension manually.YouTubeX並沒有很多功能但是簡單可行。你可以通過電子郵件和朋友們一起分享優酷視頻。不巧的是,所有的文件名被命名為get_video,你不得不動手在後面加上.flv後綴,youtube中文版。 2.KeepVid is another simple site.No hassle,works not only for YouTube movies but for anumber of other sites,including Google Video,MySpace Video,DailyMotion and others.Again,you have to add the.flv extension by hand.KeepVid是另外一個簡單的網站。無可爭論,通過它可以看優酷上的電影也可以觀看其它網站,就像Google Video,MySpace Video,DailyMotion等等。同樣,你不得不動手加上.flv後綴。 3.VideoDownloader is very similar to KeepVid,but supports even more video sharing sites,and it's also available as aFirefox extension.Just like with KeepVid,all downloads are in.flv format.We recommend MediaCoder for free conversion.VideoDownloader和KeepVid,的差不多,但它支持更多的視頻分享網站,它也可以用來做為火狐軟件的插件。就像KeepVid,所有的下載都是.flv格式,我們推薦使用MediaCoder免費轉換視頻格式。 4.YouTube Downloads takes the cake in the longest domain name contest.It also separates itself by using aproxy for downloading videos,which means that you might be able to get videos even if YouTube access is blocked at your workplace or in the country you live.Just search Google for YouTube videos,and copy/paste the URL into YouTube Downloads.YouTube Downloads在最長域名競賽中獨領風騷。它也因使用代理服務器下載視頻而與眾不同,這就意味著即使在你工作的地方或者在你的國家不能瀏覽優酷視頻了,你依舊可以下載到視頻。僅僅用谷歌搜索到優酷視頻,然後粘貼網址到YouTube 5.Zamzar is an online file format conversion site which can do alot more than just converting YouTube videos to another format and downloading them to your hard drive,but it's doing agreat job so we had to include it here.Thoroughly tested by us and highly recommended.See the video of it in action here.Zamzar是一個在線文件格式轉換網站,它不僅僅將優酷視頻轉換為另一種格式,並且可以下載到你的硬盤裡,它在這麼的了不起因此我們把它列在了這裡。通過嘗試後我們強烈的推薦該工具。請看video of it in action 6.YouTubia separates itself from the crowd by enabling you to search as well as download YouTube files.Options are scarce,but it works.YouTubia的與眾不同之處在於它可以搜索並下載優酷文件。功能雖少但是特別見效。 7.VidGrab is another simple site that works with YouTube,Google Video,MySpace and the download function,the site also sports atop list of most viewed videos.VidGrab是另外一個簡單的視頻下載網站,它是適用於YouTube Google Video,MySpace and Break網站。除了下載的功能,該網站還提供了觀看次數最多的視頻表單。 8.Vixy offers both downloading videos and converting them into DivX avi,mov,mp4,3gp,or mp3(for audio only)formats.The conversion works well enough,but sometimes results in slightly choppy playback.Vixy可以下載視頻並將其轉換為DivX avi,mov,mp4,3gp,or mp3格式(只有音頻)。轉換效果還不錯,但是有時候會導致輕微顫動的回音。 9.Hey!Watch is an ambitious video encoding service with alarge number of options,especially when it comes to converting videos to portable media player formats(it even supports my trusty iRiver H340.)Most online video converters often produce crappy results,with video and audio being out of sync,and this problem is also present on Hey!Watch,but it happens rarely.Hey!Watch是一個有著無數功能,強大的視頻編碼服務網站,尤其是在將視頻轉換為可移動播放器格式方面(它甚至支持艾河H340播放器)。大多數的在線視頻轉換器常常會產生不好的效果,視頻和音頻不同步,Hey!Watch也不例外,但是這種狀況很少發生。 10.Media Converter can be alittle slow,but the results of the video conversion are quite good.We've converted some YouTube videos to avi(mpeg4 mp3)format and it worked well.The tool is not limited to video conversion;it also supports several audio and document formats..Media Converter可能稍微有些慢,但是視頻轉換的效果非常好,我們已經將一些視頻轉換為avi格式(mpeg4加mp3格式),效果非常好,這個網站不限於視頻轉換,它也支持幾種音頻和文件格式。